David Fetzner is a Loyal Treadwright customer from West Granby, Connecticut who drives a 2001 Dodge Cummins Ram 2500 4x4 Custome Built AT, Juiced + Stacked (4" Dual SS), FASS 95/150, AFE intake, Dieselpowersource 62/65/12 + Turbo + 150 sticks + Tunnel Ram with our Claw 265x75R16 through Heavy Ice, Snow and Sleet on a daily basis working outside with his hands.
During the harsh winter season in Connecticut, David is depended on by his community to plow many main roads and driveways so people can go about their daily commutes without getting stuck in the snow. As you can see in Davids many plowing YouTube Videos, this is no easy task.

David uses Claw 265x75R16 with Kedge Grip to plow heavy snow for hundreds of miles a day. He is a professional landscaper that uses his Treadwrights to complete incredible projects from Natural Stone Staircases, Waterfalls, Ponds, Shrubs, Flowers, and Trees. To see more detailed information about Davids work check out his website here. For a 360 degree video of Davids Plow Rig check out this video.

Natural Stone Staircase (Courtesy: https://www.facebook.com/david.fetzner)
David has some excellent videos of him plowing through snow with his Claw 265x75R16 on his YouTube channel. Kedge Grip is a fine combination of walnut shells and glass particles that are mixed into the entire tread compound during the manufacturing process. Mixing Kedge Grip with the rubber compound allows Kedge Grip to be available for the entire life of a TreadWright tire. This compound helps people like David get better traction during severe winter temperatures like sleet and snow.
From David Fetzner himself:
I have loved snow as long as I can remember and in my teen years snow days almost always meant fun days because I had the job of snowblowing my parents and grandparents driveways with a 20 HP Bolens tractor with a snowblower on the front. When I got my license I bought a Ford Ranger 4x4 and loved to drive in the snowstorms. I didn’t start plowing until several years later when I started a landscape business. My first plow truck was a Ford F250 standard transmission with a Western 8’ straight blade. That truck was replaced by the 2001 Dodge Ram with the Cummins 24 valve turbo diesel that I still use for plowing today. The truck has evolved over the 16 years of it’s life into the plow truck it is today. The Cummins motor is bulletproof, easy to wrench and has the low end grunt of a bulldozer. The Boss Power V and the Daniels pull plow are both 16 years old also and still performing as good as new due to regular maintenance. I discovered Treadwright tires several years ago and haven’t looked back since. My first Treadwrights were the Guard Dogs with Kedge and they chewed thru many many storms. I had been using commercial studded snow tires but the studs scratched the pavement – that is why the kedge caught my attention. Those Guard Dogs never let me down. This year I retired them to a daily driver 2002 Dodge Ram 2500 with about 1/2 of the tread gone but they are still better than new commercial snow tires. The Claws are performing flawlessly so far. The rubber is soft and pliable, they have sipes that the Guard Dogs didn’t have and of course there is the kedge grip. I plow mostly private driveways and a couple small lots and a 6” storm will usually take about 8 hours to complete. Longer duration storms with high snow totals can mean being in the truck for 18 hours or more. My dog Tio rides shotgun sometimes but doesn’t help much with the shoveling...